View table: ItemCargo

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. image - String
  3. is_activated - Boolean
  4. quote - String
  5. description - Wikitext
  6. recharge - String
  7. quality - Integer
  8. tags - List of String, delimiter:
  9. id - Integer
  10. shop_price - Integer
  11. devil_price - Integer
  12. unlocked_by - String

This table has 56 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name image is activated quote description recharge quality tags id shop price devil price unlocked by
Adam's Rib (edit) Adam's Rib Adam's Rib.png No Imaginary girlfriend 3 angel 26 15 1 Adam's Rib
Akedah (edit) Akedah Akedah.png No The Binding of Isaac
  • +3 Health
  • Heals 1 heart
  • +0.32 Speed
  • x1.75 Damage multiplier
  • x0.8 Fire delay multiplier
  • Flight
  • Mom's Foot constantly tries to stomp Isaac
3 summonable offensive angel 45 15 1
Benadryl (edit) Benadryl Benadryl.png No I'm drowsy...
  • Causes the I'm Drowsy effect when taking a Pill
1 summonable 27 15 1
Blood Money (edit) Blood Money Blood Money.png No Wanted dead
  • Spawns 3-4 random coins upon defeating a boss
2 summonable offensive 28 15 1 Blood Money
Blue Waffle (edit) Blue Waffle Blue Waffle.png No Tears up + accuracy down
  • x0.5 Fire delay multiplier
  • Tear accuracy down
2 summonable offensive tearsup 36 15 1
Bowl o' Beans (edit) Bowl o' Beans Bowl o' Beans.png Yes Magical fruit
  • Activates the effect of a random bean active item
time 2 offensive 14 Bowl o' Beans
Chilly Bean (edit) Chilly Bean Chilly Bean.png Yes Frozen farts
  • Freezes and deals 14 damage to all enemies in close range
2 1 offensive 3
Clay Dreidel (edit) Clay Dreidel Clay Dreidel.png Yes Winner takes all
  • 25% chance to quadruple all items, consumables and chests in room
  • 75% chance to remove items / pickups in room
4 2 53 15 1
Coconut Milk (edit) Coconut Milk Coconut Milk.png No Eternal tears
  • x1.5 Damage multiplier
  • -0.16 Shot speed
  • Isaac's tears will never fall, instead relying on the range stat to determine how long they live for
2 summonable offensive 51 15 1 Coconut Milk
Communion Wine (edit) Communion Wine Communion Wine.png Yes Drink of my blood
  • A one-use Holy Mantle shield (prevents damage once)
  • Receive for the room: Reduces all damage taken to half a heart
4 3 angel 54 15 1
Counterfeit Dollar (edit) Counterfeit Dollar Counterfeit Dollar.png No $$$
  • +100 Coins
  • Taking damage causes Isaac to lose 0-2 coins.
3 offensive 5 15 1
Cryobombs (edit) Cryobombs Cryobombs.png No Flash frozen +5 bombs
  • +5 Bombs
  • Isaac's bombs freeze enemies caught in the blast.
2 summonable offensive 4 15 1
D3 (edit) D3 D3.png Yes Reroll trinkets
  • Rerolls trinkets in the room
3 1 49 15 1 D3
Fish Hook (edit) Fish Hook Fish Hook.png No Tears + shot speed up
  • x0.77 Fire delay multiplier
  • +0.16 Shot speed
3 summonable offensive tearsup 19 15 1
Forbidden Seed (edit) Forbidden Seed Forbidden Seed.png No Attractive bombs +5 bombs
  • +5 Bombs
  • Enemies now target dropped bombs
2 summonable offensive 33 15 1 Forbidden Seed
Geode (edit) Geode Geode.png Yes Reusable rune generator
  • Spawns 1 rune or soul stone
6 3 34 15 1 Geode
Gummy Bear (edit) Gummy Bear Gummy Bear.png No All stats up!
  • +1 Health
  • Heals 1 heart
  • +0.16 Speed
  • +1.5 Range
  • x1.25 Damage multiplier
  • +0.16 Shot speed
  • +1 Luck
  • x0.8 Fire rate multiplier
  • Size down
4 summonable 20 15 1 Gummy Bear
Heartache (edit) Heartache Heartache.png No Heart regenerator
  • On room clear, if any of Isaac's current Soul or Black Health is half, gives 1 half Soul Heart
3 summonable angel 22 15 1 Heartache
How To Jump 2.0 (edit) How To Jump 2.0 How To Jump 2.0.png Yes Now with modern technology
  • Allows Isaac to hop on enemies and over obstacles
  • Hopping onto enemies deals damage and bounces Isaac off
  • Using the item in the middle of a hop slams Isaac down to the ground
  • Chaining hops one after another lets Isaac exponentially build speed
unlimited 2 book 56 15 1
Max's Head (edit) Max's Head Max's Head.png No DMG + Speed up
  • +1 Damage
  • x1.25 Damage multiplier
  • +0.16 Speed
3 summonable dead offensive 6 15 1
Max's Paw (edit) Max's Paw Max's Paw.png Yes DMG converter
  • Converts 1 heart container into a x1.25 Damage multiplier
unlimited 4 dead offensive 40 15 1
Max's Tail (edit) Max's Tail Max's Tail.png No Speed = DMG
  • Up to a x2 Damage multiplier depending on the Speed stat Isaac has
3 summonable offensive dead 41 15 1
Menorah (edit) Menorah Menorah.png No Shot multiplier
  • Spawns a menorah familiar that causes Isaac's tears to be multiplied by the number of lit candles
  • Halves tear delay and the multiplies it by the sum of lit candle plus 1
3 uniquefamiliar summonable offensive angel 52 15 1
Misericorde (edit) Misericorde Misericorde.png No Sweet release
  • Instantly kills any enemies when damaged to 1/2 of their HP
  • 1/4 of their HP for bosses
4 summonable offensive angel 47 15 1
Molotov Cocktail (edit) Molotov Cocktail Molotov Cocktail.png Yes Fire in a bottle
  • Throws a molotov cocktail projectile, which spreads a damaging flame and slowing creep
2 2 offensive 24 15 1
Mom's Cellphone (edit) Mom's Cellphone Mom's Cellphone.png Yes Phone a friend
  • Spawns a Dople as a second character
  • Doples have random stats and random items
8 3 offensive mom 29 15 1 Mom's Cellphone
Mom's Eyelashes (edit) Mom's Eyelashes Mom's Eyelashes.png No Penta shot
  • -3.5 Range
  • x0.5 Damage multiplier
  • Isaac shoots 5 tears at once
4 mom summonable offensive 50 15 1
Mortal Coil (edit) Mortal Coil Mortal Coil.png No Living on the edge
  • +1 Black Heart
  • When on half a heart or less:
  • 10% chance to spawn a Soul Heart or Black Heart on room clear
  • 100% chance at 10 luck
2 nolostbr devil 9 15 1 Mortal Coil
Musty Mush (edit) Musty Mush Musty Mush.png No Evil up + all stats down
  • +3 Black Hearts
  • -0.16 Speed
  • x1.125 Fire delay multiplier
  • x0.875 Damage multiplier
  • -0.28 Range
  • -0.16 Shot speed
  • -1 Luck
0 summonable offensive mushroom 15 15 1
Mystery Meat (edit) Mystery Meat Mystery Meat.png No HP + ??? up
  • +1 Health
  • Heals 1 heart
  • Randomly gives 2 stat ups from the folowing:
  • +0.16 Speed
  • x0.77 Fire delay multiplier
  • x1.25 Damage multiplier
  • +0.6 Shot speed
  • +1 Luck
  • +1.5 Range
3 30 15 1 Mystery Meat
Occam's Razor (edit) Occam's Razor Occam's Razor.png Yes Whittle it down
  • On use gain +1 Broken Heart, +0.09 Speed, x1.09 Damage multiplier, +0.05 Shotspeed, +0.91 Luck, x0.94 Fire delay multiplier
unlimited 2 16 1 Occam's Razor
Ophiuchus (edit) Ophiuchus Ophiuchus.png No Pins and needles
  • +1 Black Heart
  • Spawns a friendly Needle
  • 50% chance to spawn a friendly Needle on room clear
3 stars offensive 32 15 1
Oven Mitt (edit) Oven Mitt Oven Mitt.png No Hot potato
  • +5 bombs
  • Allows Isaac to hold their bombs and throw them by holding down the Drop Bomb button
2 summonable offensive 48 15 1
Patient Zero (edit) Patient Zero Patient Zero.png No Love touch
  • Touching an enemy charms it
  • Charmed enemies can spread the charm by touching other enemies
3 summonable 17 15 1
PB&J (edit) PB&J PB&J.png No HP up
  • +1 Health
  • +1 Soul Heart
  • Heals 1 heart
1 nolostbr food 25 15 1
Potty (edit) Potty Potty.png Yes Its a bucket of shit
  • Spawns 3-5 friendly Dips
3 1 poop 23 15 1
Pumpkin Mask (edit) Pumpkin Mask Pumpkin Mask.png No Evil up + fear itself
  • +1 Black Heart
  • +0.5 Damage
  • 25% to fear all other enemies in the room upon killing an enemy
  • All feared enemies take 2x damage
2 31 15 1
Sinner's Scars (edit) Sinner's Scars Sinner's Scars.png No Penance paid in blood
  • Curse rooms contain a pentagram that grants for the floor:
  • +1 Black Heart
  • x1.33 Damage multiplier
2 summonable 44 15 1 Sinner's Scars
Snake Eyes (edit) Snake Eyes Snake Eyes.png Yes Reroll your destiny...?
  • Rerolls all pedestal items in the room into Devil Deals
4 3 offensive 11 15 1 Snake Eyes
Spice (edit) Spice Spice.png Yes All stats up...?
  • 75% chance to get a buff for the room.
  • 25% chance to get a permanent stacking debuff.
  • Debuff goes away for the room when using the item.
2 2 offensive 21 15 1 Spice
Taco (edit) Taco Taco.png No All statz up XD
  • +1 Health
  • Heals 1 heart
  • +0.16 Speed
  • +1.5 Range
  • x1.25 Damage multiplier
  • 0.16 Shot speed
  • +1 Luck
  • x0.8 Fire delay multiplier
4 summonable 10 15 1
Tammy's Paw (edit) Tammy's Paw Tammy's Paw.png Yes Junk conveter
  • Converts 1 heart container into 4-6 random pickups
unlimited 2 42 15 1
Tammy's Tail (edit) Tammy's Tail Tammy's Tail.png No Cry for them
  • Killing an enemy provides a diminishing x0.98 tear delay multiplier
3 summonable 43 15 1
The Apple (edit) The Apple The Apple.png Yes The ultimate sacrifice
  • On use, switches between White mode and Red mode, giving different stats while held.
  • White Mode:
    x0.75, Fire delay multiplier, x0.75 Damage multiplier, +5 Luck, +0.2 Speed, -0.2 Shot speed, +0.8 Range
  • Red Mode:
    x1.75 Damage multiplier, x1.4 Fire delay multiplier, -0.3 Speed, +0.2 Shot speed, -0.8 Range
unlimited 3 offensive 1 15 1 The Apple
The Beast of Prophecy (edit) The Beast of Prophecy The Beast of Prophecy.png No Curse up
  • When on half a Red Heart or less:
  • Flight
  • +0.32 Speed
  • x1.5 Damage multiplier
  • x1.5 Fire delay multiplier
  • Triple shot
3 summonable offensive devil 37 15 1 The Beast of Prophecy
The Book of Love (edit) The Book of Love The Book of Love.png Yes Reusable friendship
  • Spawns 5-6 Minisaacs
6 2 book 55 15 1
The Book of Sorrow (edit) The Book of Sorrow The Book of Sorrow.png Yes Read it and weep
  • For rest of the room receive:+0.7 Tears and +0.16 Shot speed
4 3 offensive book 2 15 1
The Box of Wires (edit) The Box of Wires The Box of Wires.png No Electric tears
  • 10% chance to shoot conduit tears
  • Conduit tears fire lasers at nearby enemies
  • 100% chance at 10 luck
2 summonable offensive 8 15 1
The Hive (edit) The Hive The Hive.png No Diptera sonata
  • Blue flies can be controlled with the shooting buttons
  • IF Isaac has less than 8 blue flies, entering or clearing a new room with give him up to 8 blue flies
2 summonable fly 18 15 1
The Mark of Cain (edit) The Mark of Cain The Mark of Cain.png No Brotherly love
  • x1.5 Damage multiplier
  • x0.77 Fire delay multiplier
  • Abel is added to all item pools
2 summonable offensive 7 15 1 Mark of Cain
The Pebble (edit) The Pebble The Pebble.png Yes (no flavor text)
  • Throws a pebble projectile which deals 1 damage
  • 0.5% chance the projectile instantly kills an enemy it hits
unlimited 0 offensive 39 15 1 The Pebble
The Ruler (edit) The Ruler The Ruler.png No Range + tears up
  • x0.77 Fire delay multipier
  • +1.5 Range
3 summonable offensive tearsup 11 15 1
Toothpaste (edit) Toothpaste Toothpaste.png No Icy touch
  • Touching an enemy instantly freezes it
2 nolostbr summonable offensive 58 15 1
Tulip (edit) Tulip Tulip.png Yes Temporary flower power
  • Recieve for the room: x1.5 Damage multiplier for the room
  • Recieve for the room: Isaac's tears light enemies on fire
  • Recieve for the room: 10% chance for tears to explode on enemy impact
3 2 57 15 1 Tulip
Twin Candles (edit) Twin Candles Twin Candles.png Yes Castor and Pollux
  • Throws 16 red and blue fires around Isaac in a circle pattern
time 3 offensive 67 15 1
Voodoo Pin (edit) Voodoo Pin Voodoo Pin.png No Phantom pains
  • 25% chance to take fake damage instead of getting hit
3 summonable 13 15 1